Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Life in the NICU

Everyone warned us about the NICU life.The long days, the up's and down's. Still did not prepare us for how rough it really would be. Day 2 at 10;30pm, i was able to hold my sweet boy. i was wheeled to the NICU, sat in a recliner. Brandi was our nurse and we loved her. with all the tubes and wires she placed my tiny baby on my chest. he was warm and skinny. Felt so fragile yet i was not nervous to old him. I felt so comfortable. i was beyond exhausted. After ten minutes i dozed off, holding my boy. Dusty had work in the morning so he went home about 11. I stayed there to hold my baby for as long as they would let me. i practically slept the whole time. but about 12;30 i decided to head back to my room for a little better rest. Best night ever, being able to hold my baby for the first time. I was check out of the hospital after three days. I was sore and emotionally drained. Pumping on a 3 hour schedule to provide for my baby who was eating through a tube. My tiny tiny baby!! i had no idea what the future would hold. Oliver got the breathing tube pulled out after only 12 hours. Put on a C-pap breathing machine. we were able to visit whenever we wanted. The week after i got checked out, we moved a trailer down there so that i could spend as much time as i wanted at the hospital and had some place to go and rest and take a little break. Oliver was so little and had to many tubes hooked up to him. he had an IV going through his belly button. Leads all over his tummy. An oxygen reader on his foot. He was doing really well for his situation. Even bumped down to a high flow on the oxygen. They took the IV out of his belly button and put a pic line in his leg instead, which they took out after two weeks. i got to hold him once a day for usually an hour to hour and a half. After a couple days he was able to be held twice a day. so i would hold him in the morning and Dusty at night. Oliver had "cares" every 3 hours. At cares they would change his diaper, take his temp, the nurse would look him over and then they would hook up his feed. Day one he started at 1ml of breast milk every 3 hours. They would slowly add more as he gained weight. Every day i would show up at 11 and stay all day. Then dusty would show up about 7. We would stay until 11-12pm. This was our schedule every single day for the next 81 days. I had the same routine.  After about a week, Oliver started having Apnea's. where he would forget to breathe so the nursing would have to come startle him to get him going again. That was terrifying. At one point he was having up to 6 a day. Made me nervous to be there cuz i didn't want to watch that. then at 3 weeks old Oliver got sick. he needed more oxygen, back up to a C-pap which seemed like such a set back for me. They did tests upon tests. for the first time, i was not able to hold him. :( i tried my hardest not to cry!! i ended up leaving and going out to my trailer and i just cried and cried. tests eventually showed he had pneumonia. I went back in during sift change and one of our favorite nurses Angii (she was the nurse that was on when Oliver was born) she came up to me and must have seen my face, she tried comforting me and telling me he would be alright. I just burst into tears. the first time i had cried in front of any nurses. She said he was strong and a fighter. That made me feel better, They put him on all sorts of antibiotics. It took about a week and he was finally better. back down on a high flow. After a month old, he stopped having apnea's, thank goodness cuz those were scary. Routine became normal again and i was holding my baby. i would come in for cares, hold my baby for 2 hours, then go to my trailer and pump, then back in for cares. I had the most kangaroo care (holding skin to skin) hours than anybody in the whole unit. We met so many great nurses. many of which became great friends. Danica being one of them. she made it so nice to come to the hospital every day. there were many times i stayed until 3 in the morning because i wanted to stay and talk to her. actually have hang out time and conversation, yet still be by my baby. She so kindly got me so so many diet dr peppers in MANY hospital mugs. Snapchatting me pictures of my baby during the night so that i knew he was doing alright. i will be forever grateful.
 Once Oliver became 31 weeks, i was able to try and start nursing. it was a very slow process but at 33 weeks he was eating full feedings from me. then would have bottles through the night while i was gone. At 34 weeks he got moved to an open crib. yay no more isolate!! Oliver slowly gained weight everyday. At 35 weeks we hit a bit of a wall and his weight hit a stand still. He started choking on his bottles. Turning completely blue and oxygen going down to the 30's. so we tried so many different kinds of nipples. different flow options to try and help him not choke. we finally found one that worked the best. he slowly started gaining weight again. thank goodness. On day 79 they pulled off his oxygen! he did great and wasn't needing it. Gave him a bath that day and every thing. the doctor came thru and asked if i had a car seat. i was like crap, no. he said i should get one soon. So that day my parents bought me a car seat. The next morning they informed me we would be doing to car seat test and if he passed, we would be going home tomorrow!! he had to sit in his carseat all buckled in for 90 mins and have his heart and oxygen levels stay where they needed. we were offered the transition room to stay in that night. we decided to use it. Oliver failed his first carseat test, which made me nervous that he would never passed. luckily he didnt need to be put back on oxygen. They wheeled in his little bed with all the machines. It was basically a hospital room. bed bathroom and tv. dusty was able to stay the night there with me but then left for work in the morning. I stayed up until 5 in the morning. just holding him. doing his cares every 3 hours and feeding him. i was way to scared to sleep while he slept. my parents came over that morning at about 10. at 1pm oliver was due to take his carseat test again. i was so so nervous. Our nurse was hillaree that day who i love!! so that made me less nervous. We got him all buckled in and he looked adorable. My parents then took me to the mall. tried to shop to take my mind off everything. We showed up back to the hospital with about five minutes left in his test. i was terrified to come around the corner. not sure if he made it or if he had failed 30 minutes in. i walked around the corner so so slowly. i was surprised and estatic to see he was still in his carseat!!!!! Hillaree told me he did great the whole time and his levels didnt drop once!! she said pack up your things, you guys are going home now!! i was so nervous and excited at the same time. i hurried and packed up my room and all our belongings from his room. then we were out of there!! After 81 days in the NICU we were driving out of there for the last time with my baby in the back seat. it was so surreal. After a very long long journey in the NICU, we were done! (p.s. i knew there are so many spelling errors and such, but this was a long post that i did quickly)
There are so many details that i left out. and who knows, i may be adding some of those details through out my future post. but for now i think this will give people a tiny tiny glimpse at my life in the NICU.

Monday, September 5, 2016

Starting back up

So it has been something like 3 years since i have made a post. I have since had a baby so i figured life will starting getting very busy and interesting and i wanted to keep documentation of our adventures. Now i am no writer by any means. so my grammar, spelling, punctuation, it probably will be lacking. so just bare with me. Dusty and I had been married just over two years when we decided we wanted to start a family. We are thrilled and excited to start this next step in our marriage. 3 months went by and i still wasn't pregnant. I went to many doctors and finally found out i don't ovulate. So after many medications and two years later, i found out i needed to take injections in order to get pregnant. Very lucky for us, it took on the first try and on November 12th we found out we were PREGNANT!!! we were so thrilled. We had decided to tell our families on thanksgiving which meant we had to wait two whole weeks. For my family we got a little onesie made that said "Guess whose going to be Grandparents" We had my dad open it as a gift and it was a very happy moment for the whole family. First grandchild on my side! Unfortunately this was my first of very very many Sick days. We then went to dusty's family and we wore new shirts. mine saying "this girls going to be a mommy" and Dusty's "this guys going to be a daddy". We walked in and just waited for people to notice. They were busy making thanksgiving lunch and such. so it took about 15 minutes before dusty's mom finally read dusty's shirt. She screamed and jumped for joy and then everyone else joined in the excitement. It was a very memorable thanksgiving. I was sicker than a dog so i wasn't able to eat much, Well morning sickness for me continued every single day, all day long for about 15 weeks. I ended up losing 25 lbs before even gaining anything, that part was kinda nice. I went in for my gender reveal appointment at 22 weeks. We were so excited for find out we were having a boy!! We later had the whole family over to do a little gender reveal. We had blue confetti in a balloon and popped it for everyone to see. Thing we starting to get very excited. i was starting to show and i was feeling lots better. late April 10th, in the middle of the night, i had started feeling weird. my stomach was really hurting. it would come and go so i took some medication and went back to bed, the next day, monday April 11th, i went to lunch with my mom at her work, which i do all the time. My stomach started hurting again. Coming and going. i thought maybe they were just braxton hicks. i was only 26 weeks along. I just sucked it up while we ate our lunch and chatted, but the pain was becoming closer together. i went home after lunch and went to the bathroom. I was bleeding a lot, which made me very nervous. so i called my mom and then my doctor. My mom decided to bring me down to the doctor. we made it there about 2:30. The doctor check the babies heartbeat and it was strong and good. that was very comforter. Then the doctor checked me and he immediately looked nervous. He said i need to head straight over to EIRMC and no where else. Go to labor and delivery. they checked me in and started hooking me up. i was told to wait for the ultrasound people to come and check me out. The pain was getting stronger and way closer together. Like five minute. At this point i realize they are contractions. The doctor comes to check and they found out that my cervix isnt strong and that the baby is falling out, bringing the cord with him. If my water were to break it would be very dangerous for the baby, By this point i am in full on labor. Pain so bad that i cant function or talk to anyone, They decide to tip my bed upside down to try and keep him in. they put me on medication to stop my labor. All of this lasted about 30 minutes before i told the nurse, "i NEED to push". She rushes to get the doctor who was just finishing a c-section. He comes to check me and says. "we need to go NOW" She they prep me and rush me off to an emergency c-section. With the urgency and rush, they put me under a general anesthetic. So i was put completely under. Which causes risk to the baby. So they had to act quick. Oliver Braydon Griggs was born April 11th 2016 at 6:25pm weighing 1lb 15oz and 13 3/4in. He was beyond tiny. He had to be intabated and was hooked up to all sorts of IV's and lights but he was here and alive. We were so grateful. This day begain and long tiring NICU journey.

Such a long and crazy journey just to get little Oliver here. All so very worth it!!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Catch up

So i know it has been forever. But our lives didn't seem that exciting to keep posting all of the time. i am hoping to keep up on posting more often so here it goes.
I got a new job in August working as a waitress at Big Juds country Diner. It is nice working so close to home. It is about a 4 minute drive. I am getting the hang out things, so i don't dread going to work as much anymore. I have been trying to diet and Exercise and loose a little weigh and been successful so far. I got an elliptical for Christmas, so that has made it very easy.
Dusty has been staying busy at work which is nice. Winter is usually pretty busy for them. He is getting a little restless tho and wanting to take his bike out. It just can't warm up fast enough.
Charlie is cute as always. We were able to put up a fence around our yard towards the end of last summer. That has been so great. We don't have to worry about him running off. He loves to be outside, so he is definitely feeling cooped up.
We did repaint our laundry room in the fall. It was a bright yellow before and oh man is it nice for that to change. It took a lot of time and a lot of tape!! But we did it and it looks great!
We have made a couple trips to Logan Utah to see some family. It was so great to see our cute little  niece and nephew. We sure wish we lived closer to them!
Well i don't have much more to say at the moment. So i will just overwhelm ya with photos. :)