Monday, January 16, 2012


This week has been busy. My mother in law and I went down to Logan to stay with Mel and Kel for a little and help them get stuff done. We left on Wednesday. Once we got there we immediately starting painting. (They are in the middle of finishing their basement. Its getting so close to being finished.) We stayed up until about 2 o'clock painting. Got a lot done which was great.
The next morning we woke up and finished painting. we got done about 4pm. That night was also Mel and Kel's Anniversary of FIVE YEARS! So me and mom decided to do something special for them. We went to that dollar store and got a bunch of cute little things to decorate the kitchen table with. then we got an ice cream cake and sparkling cider. First we took them to Moddox to eat. (it was my first time there before and the food was amazing.) Then we headed for home and surprised them with the cake and cider. I walked out with a towel across my arm as if i were a waitress. then served them. It was a lot of fun. We then watch a movie together called the Notebook. very good movie. makes me cry every time.
The next day mom and me decided to organize and clean up the house. mom did lots of laundry while i set up the new baby crib Mel order! it was a very nice crib and super easy to put together. Mom, me and Mel headed for home that night.
Then came saturday!!! the day i had been waiting and planning for, for about two weeks. Melanies baby shower! it was a lot of fun to plan. we came up with the games to play. we had baby bingo, guessing game, and a memory game! we got a bunch of baby things and put them on a cookie sheet. They then only had a few minutes to look and remember what there was. then try to write them all down. We had all sorts of cute decorations. I made a diaper cake. a cake made entirely of diapers and baby things. That was fun and we used that to be the center piece of the table. It was a very fun filled week and everything went as planned! Thanks to family and friends :)

1 comment:

  1. YOU ARE SO WONDERFUL!!! Thank you so much for all you have done- everything turned out perfect! Love you!
